Saturday, 17 August 2013

8 Popular Ways to Personalize your Wedding

If you truly want to make your wedding standout from the rest and make sure that your guests go back home with fond memories, consider personalizing your wedding day. By applying some of these simple yet elegant ideas, you will be able to make all your guests feel involved and give them a chance to take one some memoirs that they can appreciate for years to come.

1. You can start personalizing your wedding by giving it a simple theme that you and your fiancé relate to. If you both love to read, consider stacking old leather bounds books on tables to create small flower stands. If you are painters, consider sending out invites that are themed after your favorite artist.

2. Get creative and break wedding conventions by starting your event with a reception and opting to walk down the aisle after. This way you and your fiancé will be able to greet your guests, let your hair down and make your ceremony a lot more relaxed event.

3. If you are having guests from out of town, bring together a welcome pack that provides information on the area and also comes with a little wedding favor.

4. With a little bit of creativity, you can also find some great photo-ops that are personalized and gorgeous to look at. Ask your Miami wedding photographer for ideas on a photo-booth or creative ways to get personalized pictures for all your guests.

5. Another great idea which also makes for a great photo-op is providing each one of your guest single colored helium balloons that go with the scheme of your wedding. The vision of hundreds of balloons making their way to the wedding venue through a lawn can make for fantastic photos.

6. Ask your Miami wedding photography expert to have someone walk around with a Polaroid camera. Give your guests a chance to receive instant pictures which they can then get framed in personally created frames at the craft area you set up at the reception.

7. If you plan on getting married over Christmas, you can ask each guest to bring with them a bauble for your tree that you will use every year. This will make for an excellent reminder of your wedding day each year.

8. You can also decorate your venue with wedding photos from your family that go back as far as you can. Display them in vintage frames, hereby creating an elegant ambiance that celebrates love.

With the help of your wedding planner, decorator and wedding photographer you will be able to brainstorm a range of ideas that are personalized. Make it a point to come up with things that are realistic to implement and something you and your spouse will look back at and value over the years.


Unknown said...

Amazing location! Beautiful pictures! You both are looking adorable. Well I am also looking for Wedding venues in Miami. Where is this location situated? I found it really good. Hope it is affordable too.

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